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Scheduling a job in SQL.

Abhishek Srivasatava 2237 07-Oct-2016

Scheduling a job in SQL.

A job is a series of action that SQL Server Agent Performs. It is used to schedule the query to run at specific time. It can be run on local drive or entire network.

SQL Server Agent: It is a component of Microsoft SQL Server which schedules jobs and handle other automated task. If it is in red colour with x it means it not started yet.

Step 1: Activating the SQL Server Agent:
Right Click on it, select start button.
Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 2: Click on yes button for all popup windows.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 3: Now SQL server agent is activated. Expand the SQL Server Agent, select job option and right click on it, select new Job.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 4: Page for the new job will be pop up. Fill the form under general category As shown in the snapshot

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 5: Now click on Steps page, 

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 6: Click on new button and fill the details for general.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 7: for the same page click on Advanced. Select the output file location and other essential requirement.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 8: Click on ok button, now click on Schedules, new page will popup a click on new.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 9: Fill the form as per your requirement as shown below.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 10: Similarly fill the form for Alerts, notification and targets page.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Step 11: Complete the process by clicking OK for each popup window. Your job will scheduled Successfully.

Scheduling a job in SQL.

Updated 07-Oct-2016

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